302 Properties

What To Do If You Have a Frozen Pipe or Pipe That Bursts?

  • March 16, 2023
  • manoj
  • Category: Property Management

Frozen or burst pipes can be a major headache for homeowners, causing damage to your property and even leading to health hazards in some cases.

A frozen pipe occurs when the water inside the pipe freezes, causing pressure to build up and potentially leading to a burst pipe. A burst pipe can be even more problematic, as it can cause significant water damage to your home.

The consequences of a frozen or burst pipe are why addressing the issue promptly is crucial. It is essential to identify the warning signs of a frozen or burst pipe, what immediate actions you can take when you discover one, long-term solutions to prevent the problem, and when to call a professional plumber.

And that is what we are going to discuss today. Following our recommendations, you can mitigate the risks of frozen or burst pipes and ensure your home’s plumbing system remains in good condition.

So, without further ado, let’s explore how to deal with a frozen or burst pipe.

Signs of Frozen or Burst Pipes

Identifying the warning signs early is the key to preventing a frozen or burst pipe. Here are some common indicators that your pipes may be frozen or burst:

  • Reduced Water Pressure

If you notice a significant reduction in water pressure in your faucets or showerheads, it could be a sign that your pipes are frozen. Frozen water creates pressure within the pipe, leading to restricted water flow.

  • Strange Noises

If you hear strange noises from your pipes, such as banging or gurgling, it could indicate frozen pipes. It happens because frozen water blocks water flow, leading to pipe air pockets that cause noise.

  • Visible Damage

If you notice visible damage to your pipes, such as bulging or cracks, it could be a sign of a burst pipe. A burst pipe is a severe issue that requires immediate attention.

  • Frozen Pipes on Exterior Walls

Pipes on exterior walls are more susceptible to freezing due to the lack of insulation. If you notice that pipes on your exterior walls are frozen, it’s a clear sign that your pipes need attention.

If you notice any of these warning signs, taking immediate action is important. By addressing the issue early on, you can prevent significant damage to your home’s plumbing system.

Immediate Actions to Take

If you discover a frozen or burst pipe, taking immediate action is crucial to prevent further damage. Here are the step-by-step instructions on what to do if you discover a frozen or burst pipe:

  • Shut off the Water Supply

The first step is to shut off the water supply to prevent further water damage. Locate the main shut-off valve and turn it off immediately. If you need help determining where the valve is, consult your home’s plumbing system manual or call a plumber.

  • Open Faucets

Open all the faucets connected to the frozen or burst pipe. It helps to relieve the pressure in the pipes and allows water to escape.

  • Apply Heat

Once you’ve shut off the water supply and opened the faucets, it’s time to apply heat to the affected area. You can use a hairdryer, heating pad, or towels soaked in hot water to thaw the frozen pipes. For burst pipes, apply heat to the area to prevent the pipe from freezing again until a professional plumber arrives.

  • Inspect for Damage

After you’ve applied heat to the affected area, inspect the pipes for damage. If you notice any cracks or bulges, it’s a sign of a burst pipe that requires immediate attention from a professional plumber.

Following these steps can minimize the damage caused by frozen or burst pipes.

Long-term Solutions to Prevent Frozen or Burst Pipes

While taking immediate action is crucial when you discover a frozen or burst pipe, preventing the problem from happening again is equally important. Here are some long-term solutions to prevent frozen or burst pipes:

  • Proper Insulation

Ensure all pipes in unheated areas, such as attics, crawl spaces, and basements, are properly insulated. Insulation helps to keep the pipes warm and prevents freezing.

  • Regular Maintenance

Schedule regular plumbing system maintenance, especially before the winter season. A professional plumber can inspect your pipes, identify potential issues, and fix them before they become major problems.

  • Temperature Regulation

Keep your home’s temperature above 55 degrees Fahrenheit, even when you’re away. It helps to maintain a consistent temperature and prevent pipes from freezing.

  • Drip Faucets

When the temperature drops below freezing, drip your faucets to relieve pressure in the pipes. It keeps the water moving and prevents freezing.

By following these long-term solutions, you can prevent the problem of frozen or burst pipes from occurring again. In case of severe damage, it’s always recommended to call a professional plumber to ensure proper repairs.

When to Call a Professional?

While taking immediate action and following preventive measures can help prevent frozen or burst pipes, there are some situations where it’s best to call a professional plumber to handle the issue. Here are some scenarios when you should consider calling a professional:

  • Extensive Damage

If the damage caused by the frozen or burst pipe is extensive, it’s best to call a professional plumber. They can assess the damage, identify the source of the problem, and provide appropriate repairs.

  1. Hard-to-Reach Areas

If the frozen or burst pipe is in a hard-to-reach area, such as inside a wall or under the foundation, it’s best to call a professional plumber. They have the necessary tools and expertise to access and repair the pipe.

  • Inadequate DIY Skills

If you need to gain the necessary DIY skills or experience to handle the issue, it’s best to call a professional plumber. Attempting to fix the problem alone can result in further damage and potentially hazardous conditions.

You can ensure the problem is properly diagnosed and repaired by calling a professional plumber. It can help prevent further damage and ensure your plumbing system functions properly.

Final Thoughts

Frozen or burst pipes can cause extensive damage to your home if not addressed promptly and effectively. By recognizing the warning signs and taking immediate action, you can prevent further damage and minimize the cost of repairs.

Additionally, following preventive measures such as proper insulation, regular maintenance, and temperature regulation can help prevent frozen or burst pipes from occurring in the first place.

If you do discover a frozen or burst pipe, it’s important to follow the steps outlined in this post to address the issue quickly and effectively. However, if the damage is extensive or the pipes are in hard-to-reach areas, it’s best to call a professional plumber to handle the repairs.

Remember, preventing frozen or burst pipes is crucial to protecting your home and maintaining the functionality of your plumbing system. By staying vigilant and taking proactive measures, you can prevent this common plumbing problem from becoming costly and time-consuming.


What causes pipes to freeze and burst?

Pipes freeze and burst when the water inside them expands due to freezing temperatures, causing pressure to build up and ultimately leading to the pipe bursting.

How do I know if my pipes are frozen or have burst?

Signs of frozen pipes include reduced water pressure, strange noises, and visible frost on the pipes. Signs of burst pipes include water damage or flooding, mold growth, and a sudden decrease in water pressure.

What should I do if I discover a frozen or burst pipe?

If you discover a frozen or burst pipe, it’s important to shut off the water supply, open faucets to relieve pressure, and apply heat to the affected area to thaw the pipe.

Can I prevent frozen or burst pipes from occurring?

Yes, you can prevent frozen or burst pipes by properly insulating your pipes, maintaining a consistent temperature in your home, and regularly checking for any signs of damage or wear.

When should I call a professional plumber to handle the issue?

It’s appropriate to call a professional plumber if the damage is extensive, if the pipes are in hard-to-reach areas, or if you need more confidence to fix the issue yourself. A professional plumber has the expertise and tools to handle the repair effectively and safely.