302 Properties

9 Tips to Make Home Energy Efficient

  • October 11, 2022
  • admin
  • Category: Uncategorized

People are constantly looking for ways to be more energy efficient in the modern world. People have become conscious and want to save energy in every way. You might live in a rental property or planning to buy a new property. Energy efficient home is a must. This is not only beneficial for the environment but also eventually helps in monetary savings. So here are 9 great and time-tested tips to make home energy efficient.

By using less energy to accomplish the same tasks, you can cut down on energy waste in your house and save money. To effectively boost your energy efficiency, you must learn how energy is used, where it is wasted, and how to use it more effectively and efficiently in daily life. This goes beyond simply using less energy. Here are some of the best recommendations for making your house or place of business more energy-efficient.

How to Make Home Energy Efficient?

Everyone can participate in energy efficiency; it is not just some people. The good news is that there are a few ways to increase the energy efficiency of your home without having to spend a lot of money out of your pocket. After that, all you have to do is take advantage of the expense reductions throughout the year and the associated tax benefits. Here are a few things you ought to give a shot.

Upgrade Your Home’s Insulation

The first and most important task that you should do is to make sure that your home’s insulation is enhanced. If your home doesn’t have adequate insulation, you can be losing a lot of heat during the chilly winter months. You might be paying for this, and the ecosystem might suffer as a result.

The secret is to make sure that your home is well insulated throughout, including with weather stripping and other insulating methods. Air leaks around windows, doors, floors, ceilings, your attic, walls, basement, or crawl space should be caulked or foamed. You can take care of this yourself or hire a professional to do it for you.

Maintain your furnace

The least energy-intensive furnaces are the new high-efficiency ones, although older models can still be made more effective. The first step is annual professional servicing. Cleaning the areas you can’t see or reach will be necessary, as well as making sure it isn’t working any harder than it needs to. For your part, make sure air flows readily into the unit and extend the life of your furnace by changing filters every three months more if you’ve just undergone renovations or have pets.

Enclose the water heater

Hot water is not a requirement for all day and so, on-demand water heaters are often the most economical choice. To control heat loss from electric hot water tanks, you can cover them with an insulating blanket.

Change the windows

energy efficient windows

Consider replacing any single-pane windows in your home with more energy-efficient ones, adding solar screens, or installing window tinting film.

Utilize energy-saving light bulbs

energy efficient lighting

More and more light bulbs are appearing on store shelves, frequently with a wide range of prices. However, compared to tasks like replacing large appliances or installing entirely new windows, replacing conventional incandescent lights with more energy-efficient alternatives is quite inexpensive. Additionally, even though they cost more front, most energy-efficient light bulbs live longer than incandescent, so you won’t need to replace them as frequently.

For example, compact fluorescents (CFLs) last ten times longer than normal bulbs while using less than two-thirds of the energy. The average cost of a CFL is between $3 and $5, or up to $14 for a dimmable model.

Employ Solar Energy

Windows are intentionally positioned by builders to benefit from the sun’s inherent heat. You can heat your home more effectively in the winter if you have a lot of south-facing windows. The house will stay cool in the summer if the windows are covered.

During the building phase, some contractors additionally prepare the home for solar installation. Once they are inside the house, this makes it is simpler for homeowners to install the panels.

Despite being an expensive addition, solar panels have a high return on investment (ROI) and, depending on where you live, can reduce your energy costs. You might even get paid by some electric companies for any extra energy your solar panels generate.

Enhance the energy efficiency of Your Appliances

When it comes time to replace the appliances in your entire house, choose models with a high Energy Star rating. When buying a new appliance, keep the design in mind as well. For instance, a front-loading washing machine not only consumes less water but also dries clothes more effectively, minimizing the need for a dryer.

Regardless of when you intend to replace your home appliances, there are particular actions you can do with your current ones to increase their efficiency. For better air circulation, your refrigerator, for instance, should have roughly an inch of room on both sides. Additionally, at least once a year, you must turn off the refrigerator and wipe the cooling coil of dust and dirt.

Turn off devices when not in use.

The electricity used by inactive printers, desktop computers, microwaves, and coffee machines with LED clocks running all night when not in use. When you don’t need them right away, turn them off. When you have a long trip planned away from home, try turning off your refrigerator as well.

Use of ceiling fans

Ceiling fans are useful when you only need to cool bedrooms and not the whole house, especially at night. The majority of fans have a “reverse” setting that forces hot air down into the room, which will be useful in the winter.

Bottom line

Everyone wants their home to be energy efficient with lower electricity bills. Making energy efficient home doesn’t require any renovations or costly upgrades. You can follow the simple steps discussed above and save a lot on your energy consumption and make your home energy efficient.