302 Properties

10 Most Common Mistakes Landlords Make

  • September 24, 2022
  • admin
  • Category: Property Management

Although managing properties is hardly rocket science, becoming a good landlord requires you to know the most common mistakes landlords make and how to avoid them. The most prosperous real estate investors have a variety of tools in their toolkits for landlords.

Using qualified property managers to handle the grunt work is one of the most crucial of all. Because of this, investors need to buy properties strategically and hold them for a long time to generate big wealth. This entails refraining from stupid errors that may have been easily avoided with the appropriate advice and education.

Even if you believe you know everything there is always the opportunity for improvement. Without prior experience, it can be simple to make these common new landlord blunders and quickly lose money, time, and sleep.

This post will be extremely helpful if you are one of those people who prefer to learn from other people’s errors. Let’s look at the most common mistakes landlords make and how you can prevent them.

house for rent

Disregarding vacancy rates – The most common mistake landlords make!

Regardless of whether you are purchasing or already owning a property in a specific location, ignoring vacancy rates is never a good idea. A surplus of supply, shown by high vacancy rates, will reduce overall rents and returns, often for years. Avoiding this mistake is a sure sign of a great landlord.

Not conducting site inspections

site inspection team

Finding out how properly or poorly a renter is caring for a landlord’s property is the goal of an inspection. Why wouldn’t a landlord who is investing $100k or more in a home take 20 minutes out of their day, once every three months, to check on the condition of their investment? It appears to be very little work.

Unwillingness to do studies

Use a letting agent only if they are within ten meters of your front door. There is always someone offering a better service at a lower price in this cutthroat market, so look about. Never utilize a service without first searching for it on Google. You can count on someone complaining about them on a forum someplace if they have a reputation for providing subpar service.

Treating like own home

Too many landlords spend money on pricey art, artwork, and scatter cushions while treating a rental like it’s their own house. In addition to eating into your revenues, this can discourage tenants because—no matter how fabulous—your taste is unlikely to align with theirs. This is business, not private.

Neglecting the significance of marketing

Regardless of how great your property is, you still need to do an excellent job of selling it. If you want a property listing to be seen, you should become an expert in it. You are strongly urged to familiarize yourself with the guidelines for a successful property listing because numerous listings are competing for viewers.

Although you could believe that high-quality images are more significant than the title and property description, every single element matters. Think of a memorable title that emphasizes the benefits of your property, write a property description, give correct property information, and don’t forget to include some high-quality images.

Always maintaining a certain price

Overall, there is nothing wrong with keeping your property’s price unchanged. However, if you lack flexibility in a subdued rental market, you risk losing money or experiencing higher vacancy rates. You should broaden your views as a foresighted and wise landlord and adapt to any significant developments in the rental industry.

It is strongly encouraged, for instance, to accept cheaper offers in a slow rental market and to raise prices a little bit during the hot season. By taking these actions, you will maximize the use of your property and avoid the most common mistakes landlords make.

Discounting the cost of maintenance

You must remember maintenance costs because you are legally required to keep your properties in livable and secure shape. You should always have some extra cash on hand to pay for them because they are an unavoidable component of any leasing process. Remember that most things break unexpectedly, and you usually have a short window of time in which to fix them.

Choosing the wrong insurance policy

Insurance is crucial, and choosing the wrong insurance plan could leave you bitterly disappointed. It is one of the most common mistakes landlords make. Comparable to not having automobile insurance, everything must be paid for out of pocket and, as we all know, property repairs are expensive.

Your home’s unforeseen losses and damages will be covered by insurance. If you don’t have premium insurance, you may have to pay a high deductible or your insurance plan may not cover certain things. Make sure you are aware of the various plans and the coverage provided by your insurance.

Lacking knowledge of demography – Another of the most common mistakes landlords make

The demographics of the tenants (as well as the owner occupiers) in the region are one of the elements that investors must comprehend before purchasing in a particular area. To put it another way, avoid purchasing a one-bedroom home in a neighborhood where many families prefer to rent three-bedroom homes. This is another common mistake landlords make and pay heavily for it.

Depended on a handshake

Promises are useless in business. Your tenants must sign a lease agreement to occupy the property, and you must make sure they are aware of its provisions, for your legal protection. If you have issues with your tenant, the judge won’t be able to decide without written, legally-binding evidence (such as a lease). Make sure you use the right form for your state by being aware of the lease-related legislation in your state.


If you are a new rental property owner, there are good chances that you will make some mistakes. Do not panic, it is normal for most people. You may be the owner of many properties but giving them out on rent is completely new ground. It takes a lot to be a successful landlord.

You need to master some skills, get knowledge related to current rental trends and property rental laws and also have good experience to manage your property as well as tenants.

If you too have plans to own and manage income property or if you are already managing one or a few, it is important to know some of the most common mistakes landlords make. Knowing about them beforehand will help you avoid making them.

Make a strategy as you work and tweak it on the way to suit your management style. Do not stress over small things but make a note to keep a track of them for the future. Avoid the above most common mistakes landlords make to make better use of your rental income and property.